The main scientific objective of SOLER is to provide answers to the following three science questions:
Q1: Connections. What are the magnetic connections between EM radiation sources in the low corona (X-ray) and in the high corona (radio) and how are they connected to the particle radiation observed in situ?
Q2: Relations. What are the relations between the properties of the in-situ SEP observations (energy spectra, time profiles, anisotropies, composition) and the source characteristics (flare X-ray spectra, time profiles, composition; shock parameters) and between the source characteristics themselves?
Q3: Variability. What are the reasons for the large variations in SEP properties and associated flare and CME characteristics (including the presence of non-events in case of strong flares and/or fast CMEs)?
Related to these scientific questions, SOLER has three technical objectives as follows:
T1: Catalogues. SOLER will deliver three interlinked catalogues of energetic solar phenomena consisting of strong flares, fast CMEs and large SEP events.
T2: Analysis tools. SOLER will deliver new tools for analysing and visualising solar eruption datasets and modelling results in an integrated manner and distribute them openly to the scientific community.
T3: Data. SOLER will produce several high-level multi-instrument datasets and distribute them openly to the scientific community.
To achieve these objectives, the work is divided in seven scientific and technical work packages addressing the development of analysis methodologies (WP2-WP6), scientific data analysis (WP7) and distribution of data and tools (WP8).